Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thematic Mind Repertory

Delusions; animals abdomen, are in: croc 162, falco-p 265, oxyg 233, spect. 271, thuj 2058
Delusions; voices, hears, abdomen, are in his: thuj 2058
Dreams; body, abdomen, cut, a big cut in: ozone 227
Dreams; body, abdomen, cut, a big cut in, blood and pus, under which amounts of: ozone 227
Dreams; body, abdomen, cut, a big cut in, tumor, under which grows a: ozone 227
Dreams; body, abdomen, painful: apis 36, choc 222
Dreams; body, abdomen, covered with warts and ulcers: choc 222, junc 36
Dreams; body, abdomen, wind-colic: fago 36
Fear; abdomen, arising from: asaf.
Thoughts; abdomen, as if from : thuj 5
NIT-AC:Al,30- Anxious oppression, like nightmare, as if some one were lying under him and holding him fast with the arms about his abdomen, so that he could not free himself, immediately after falling asleep. (constriction, immobilization)
see: Blood, Death, Disease, Fit, Fragile
Anguish; abortion, in threatening: cham 54
Delusions; womb is soft and feeble and would cause abortion: abies-c 85
Dreams; abortion: ign 36, m-arct 5
Dreams; abortion, efforts and plans: ign 36
Fear; abortion, in threatening: bell 26, cimic 54, kali-c 26, op 54, sabin 54
Fear; death, abortion, abort, is sure she will: nux-m 26
Fear; death, abortion, die from hemorrhage, is sure she will: acon 26
Fear; death, abortion, in: acon 26, apis 26, coff 54, gels 26, kali-c 26, nux-m 26, sec 26, stram 26
Suicidal disposition; abortion, in threatening: aur 26
Talk; indisposed, abortion, in threatening: nit-ac 26
ACON:He,51- Ailments from fright: afraid (fear) in dark; vertigo; faintness; trembling; cardiac weakness; threatened miscarriage (abortion); impending cessation of menstrual flow;..
GELS:He,30- Bad effects (ailments) from suddenly hearing bad news; from fright(fear); diarrhea, abortion etc.
see: Distances, Fly, Home, Homesickness, Liberty, Nostalgia, Stranger, Travel
Confusion of mind; country, as if now in one, now in another: chlol 36
Delirium; loquacious, foreign countries, of : cann-i 2058
Delusions; abroad, being: verat 30
Delusions; man, talking in foreign languages : stram

1 comment:

  1. सर पोस्टिंग डायनामिक फॉण्ट में डालें .... आपके द्वारा दिए गए पोस्ट नेट पर ठीक से नहीं खुलते हैं ... अपने पोस्ट को किसी अन्य कंप्यूटर पर खोल कर देखें तो आपको ये पता चल जायेगा
