Sunday, September 27, 2009




In Hahnemann's words,” the true natural chronic diseases are those that arise from a chronic miasm, when left to themselves, improper treatment, go on to increase, growing worse and torment the patient to the end of his life." - $ 78 Organon

Hahnemann spent 12 years of his life investigating miasms, collecting proof these findings going unnoticed by others in the medical professions, "The Chronic diseases" was written. He describes how using antipsoric medicines used on the psora miasm would enable a practitioner to cure effectively.

senses and pains of thousands of kinds. Psora has passed on through hundreds of generations of people and has produced an innumerable variety of defects, injuries, derangements, and sufferings

Type of disease and symptoms of disease help us to assess the MIASM.

The mind and body work together as a unit and the disturbances are expressed in both spheres.

Psoric Miasm: reaction of body on exposure to environmental stimuli to ones surroundings like noise, light, and odors, producing functional disturbances like headache, nausea, and discomfort. The disease type whether inflammatory or only physiologic dysfunction or sensitivity which is due to deficiency is PSORIC disease. Rhinitis, Bronchitis, Gastro-enteritis, Urinary tract infections (Non-gonorrhoeal) are indicative of a persin in psoric phase.

Sycotic Miasm: hypersensitive response to something specific arising from a deficiency of the normal response like tumors, allergies, keloids. Deficient feeling gives rise to an increased attempt to repair the fault. The disease type where there is accumulation, thickening, growth, tumors are due to SYCOSIS. People having warts, callosities, corns and other excrescences are pointing towards SYCOTIC remedy as a similimum.

Syphlitic Miasm: Not manageable, finding destruction like gangrene, ulceration. Body and mind destroy itself, give-up. The disease where there is distortion, perversion, and destruction is generally SYPHILITIC disease.

Personality types
Psoric Miasm: highs and lows, struggling with outside world, becomes apparent at times of stress, lack of confidence, constant anxiety feelings, fear, like he can't do it, insecurity, anxiety about the future but always having hope, mentally alert.
Sycotic Miasms: secretiveness, hide his weakness, tense, constantly covering up situations, fixed habits, suspicious, jealous, forgetful.
Syphlitic Miasm: strong pessimistic view on life, cannot modify what is wrong, give-up, destroy, no point in trying to adjust, sudden impulsive violence directed at him or others, dictatorial rigid ideas. Mental paralysis, mentally dull, suicidal, stupid, stubborn, and homicidal.

Miasmatic Clinicals
Psoric Miasm: Acidity, burning, cancer, sarcomas, constipation, epilepsy, flatulence, hoarseness, itching of skin, leprosy, burning of spinal cord, watery discharge from nose and eyes with burning.
Sycotic Miasm: Abortion, acne without pus, angina pectoris, anemia, appendicitis, cough (whooping), colic, pelvic disease + sexual organs, piles, prostitis, nephritis (kidney), gout, arthritis, dry asthma, dysmenorrheal, herpes, rheumatism, warts, urinary ailments.
Syphlitic Miasm: discharges putrefaction, blindness, boil in veins and bones, carcinomas, fistula, fungal infection of extremities, gangrene, hyperextension, bone marrow inflammation, insanity due to depression, leucorrhoea, rheumatism of long bones, skin disease with ooze + pus, sore throat, history of abortions, sterility, immature death, cardiac attacks, suicidal deaths, insanity, cancer, tuberculosis, ulcers of ear, nose, urinary organs, mouth, etc.

The above help us to know which group of remedies may be indicated. It also helps us to decide on potency and repetition.

The above is only a very brief account of the miasms, otherwise it is a very vast subject.

Every homeopath should read each remedy separating its symptom miasm-wise. Following is an example of LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM:


Lycopodim is a very deep acting and long acting TRIMIASMATIC homoeopathic remedy. In this small paper, I intend to highlight its trimasmatic features separately miasmwise on the lines of Proceso S. Ortega and the most important and diligent homoeopath PRAFULL VIJAYAKAR who has developed and scientifically and practically explained all the aspects of homoeopathy, e.g., Organon; Miasms; Materia Medica; Parameters of Cure; Hering’s Law; and Method of Selection of Similimum, applying the law of genetics and coined it as ‘ Genetic Constitutional Similimum’. He, from time to time, practically shows the grave cases both acute and chronic, in seminars, cured with single doses and without indiscriminate repetition of medicine even in acute cases and more so in chronic cases.

I am a student of homoeopathy since 1960. In 2003, I changed to this method of selecting the similimum. It is comparatively easy and accurate. Prafull Vijayakar is right to suggest the need of rewriting the Homoeopathic Materia Medica depicting each remedy miasmwise. Another very beautiful feature of his homoeopathic personality is that he has highlighted the subtleties of each remedy’s mental symptom, which were not mentioned in the smaller materia medicas. He studies a remedy’s mental effects very deeply and apply them on the final selection of the similimum from among the last few remedies after repertorisation. Philip M Bailey the homoeopathic psychiatrist stresses the need of accurate and realistic description of the constitutional remedies. The old materia medicas that we rely heavily upon deals only with the most important elements of each remedy missing the subtleties that we actually find in the minds of the people. He, further, delineates and enlarges the thermal list of remedies given by Douglas M. Gibson and V. Ghegas and stresses the need of importance of thermal aspects of a remedy in the selection of similimum.

Menal Symptoms of Lycopodium, thus, extracted from Synthesis 9.2.1. are mentioned below. The symptoms which are mentioned in italics denote grade 2 and the capital ones denote 3. Grade one symptoms have not been taken. Profession may consult the repertory.


ANXIETY. Cheerfulness. Carried desire to be. Complaining. Confusion. Excitement. Industrious. IRRITABLE. Intelligent. Mild. Religious affections. TO



ABUSIVE. Affectation, children. AMATIVENESS. AMATIVENESS, WANT OF IN MEN. Amorous. ANGER. Absent-minded. Avarice. Boaster. COWARDICE. Discontented DULLNESS. Egotism. FEAR. FLATTERING. Hatred, children. HAUGHTY. HYPOCRISY. Imitation. Industrious. PARSIMONY. Mirth. Muttering. Secretive. Selfishness. SUSPICIOUS. SADNESS. TIMIDITY.


ANGUISH. Cursing. DESPAIR. ENNUI, TEDIUM. Fancies, exaltation Godless. Hysteria. IMBECILITY Indifference INSANITY Kill, desire to. LAMENTING Malicious. MANIA Misanthropy. Nymphomania. Want of Sensitivity.

PRAFULL VIJAYAKAR says that in Psora, Lycopodium has Anxiety from anticipation. And in Sycosis, Lycopodium is Dictatorial, timid and constipated.


Proceso Ortega says that principal attitudes of the soul, or primordial psychic functions, are present in LYCOPODIUM in the gradation corresponding to the miasmatic modulations or to the compensating symptom of the miasm.

To know the mental subtleties further, I suggest the profession to study the works of great homoeopaths, e.g., George Vithoulkas (esp. Materia Medica Viva and Essence of M.M.),

Philip M Bailey, Edward C. Whitmont, Paul Herscu and Cornelia Richardson-Boedleer. The last four authors are homoeopathic psychiatrists.

The thermal aspects of LYCOPODIUM.

In My Repertory, additions Lycopodium is not shown in Chilly remedies and shown in grade two in Hot remedies.

Douglas M Gibson and V. Ghegas have not mentioned Lycopodium in Cold and Hot remedies list but mentioned it as ambithermal remedy.

All repertories mention Lycopodium in grade 2 in ‘ Vital Lack of Heat’.

Paul Herscu mentions it as chilly remedy.

Frans Vermeulen says that it is a chilly medicine with craving for open air.

Douglas M. Gibson says that it is a definitely chilly individual hates the cold and feels paralyzed thereby in both body and mind, but also tends to flag in great heat, which embarrasses the not too active circulation while liking to be comfortably warm, is oppressed by the much clothing or a hot stuffy room.

Physical appearance and confirmatory symptoms of Lycopodium:

Lean but intellectually keen; weak muscular power; upper part wasted but lower one semi-dropsical. Predisposition to lung and hepatic diseases. Red sand in urine.

Complexion dirty, unhealthy; fan like motion of alae nasi

Some mental subtleties of Lycopodium: (PSYCHOSOMATIC STUDY):

Edward C. Whitmont, a homoeopathic psychiatrist, writes that for more than a hundred years of Homoeopathy anticipated and applied holistic medicine by prescribing for the totality of mental as well as physical symptoms. Moreover, Homoeopathy could make most fundamental contributions to genuine psychosomatics, since allopathic medicine lacks the possibility of true clinical experiment in the field. For the purpose of scientific deduction it is necessary to show that whenever in a heretofore normally functioning organism certain mental changes are induced, they are invariably followed by certain physical changes, and vice versa. Obviously, experiments with animals are not suited for this. Therefore, allopathy has no reliable material on psychosomatic therapeutics. Their therapeutics is based on mere speculation.

Cornelia Richardson-Boedler (Homoeopathic Psychiatrist): writes that it is essentially a psychosomatic remedy empowered to cure a large number of grave diseases in man that the flesh is heir to if prescribed giving due importance to the finest features of mental symptoms along with the physical characteristics of the remedy.

Lycopodium patient is essentially a coward having deep sense of insecurity. Therefore, he seeks importance and political power. To hide his feeling of inferiority he is harsh on men without authority and is polite to powerful people. He is a flatterer. He is harsh to his family members. He is domineering and intolerant to contradiction, but avoids confrontation. He is servile, obsequious and yielding. He lacks self-confidence and suffers from stage fright, undertaking new enterprise, has anticipatory anxiety. He is secretive and PARSIMONIOUS.

CONTRAINDICATIONS (LYCOPODIUM): It is not well indicated in fearless and courageous individuals. It is contraindicated in extravagant, squanderer of money, communicative, talkative, benevolent and extroverts. It is intelligent but non-diligent.

NOTE: Paul Herscu says that old materia medicas often advise against beginning of treatment with Lycopodium and advise to use some other remedy before it. This is not borne in clinical experience and should be disregarded. Begin the case with SIMILIMUM always. PRAFULL VIJAYAKAR also does not indicate any such warning in his writings.

The above description of Lycopodim is far from being complete. It is my humble effort to present some of its subtleties to the profession with the request to edit it and correct it if so required. Any superfluous material may be subtracted or any useful material may be added. I may be questioned if there is any doubt.

Long lives Homoeopathy.

Dr. Ashok Gupta

लहरों से डर कर नौका पार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती.

नन्हीं चींटी जब दाना लेकर चलती है,
चढ़ती दीवारों पर, सौ बार फिसलती है.
मन का विश्वास रगों में साहस भरता है,
चढ़कर गिरना, गिरकर चढ़ना अखरता है.
आख़िर उसकी मेहनत बेकार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती.

डुबकियां सिंधु में गोताखोर लगाता है,
जा जा कर खाली हाथ लौटकर आता है.
मिलते नहीं सहज ही मोती गहरे पानी में,
बढ़ता दुगना उत्साह इसी हैरानी में.
मुट्ठी उसकी खाली हर बार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती.

असफलता एक चुनौती है, इसे स्वीकार करो,
क्या कमी रह गई, देखो और सुधार करो.
जब तक सफल हो, नींद चैन को त्यागो तुम,
संघर्श का मैदान छोड़ कर मत भागो तुम.
कुछ किये बिना ही जय जय कार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती

· To remove mis-conceptions of homoeopathy.

· To provide maximum knowledge of homoeopathy & homoeopathic medicines to all .

· To provide a platform for discussion on homoeopathy.

· Invitation of feedbacks on my homoeopathic articles .

· Invite other homoeopathic doctors to give their suggestions .

· Provide homoeopathic knowledge to homoeopathic students .

· To invite students for their quaries, discussions & other homoeopathic related doubts.

· If somebody wants to know about homoeopathic treatment,they are most welcome.

· Patients who are suffered from different simple to chronic diseases & interested in homoeopathic treatment, are most welcome .

· To introduce about different homoeopathic activities.